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FCE Ultra Build 03.05.2008





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Ungelesen 09.05.08, 15:33   #1
Cloud Strife
Noctis FFXIII versus
Benutzerbild von Cloud Strife
Registriert seit: Feb 2008
Beiträge: 519
Bedankt: 111
Cloud Strife ist noch neu hier! | 0 Respekt Punkte
Standard FCE Ultra Build 03.05.2008

ragnarok2040 hat eine neue Version seines PS2 ports vom Nintendo NES Emulator freigegeben.

News Update:
I've modified the browser and menus to all use a single input function that returns a newly pressed button state for parsing. This way I don't have 3 or 4 or 6 input functions all doing pretty much the same thing. I've also changed the directory list to use a linked list, to simplify things, which shouldn't cause any problems. I've also separated the browser history from the savepath browsing and elfpath browsing, this way it won't affect the first instance of the browser for selecting a rom. I think I broke booting to an elf in the previous betas, and I've fixed it back so it boots off memory card or the usb drive right now. I've gotta test the partition code after browsing for an elf/savepath on hdd0: to see if the fix I added worked. I think I fixed the sram crash, but I'm not sure, since I need to test it on my ps2 as well. I'm going to separate the code for partitioning and path parsing into a separate file from the browser, since it's starting to get cluttered, heh. I should have another release tonight or tomorrow.

Wow, seems pretty much dead on these forums the last week. Well, anyway, I think I fixed the sram problem, and I've added the function for configuring input. You'll need to configure both controllers using the 1st player's. I also fixed a bug for CNF saving/loading where if a device was found but no CNF was found, it defaulted to mc0:/FCEUMM/, now it will only do that as a last resort if no device or +FCEUMM partition is found.
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