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[Games] E3 2009 Sammelthread





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Ungelesen 01.06.09, 20:04   #1
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Spaten leckt gerne myGully Deckel in der Kanalisation! | 7003204 Respekt PunkteSpaten leckt gerne myGully Deckel in der Kanalisation! | 7003204 Respekt PunkteSpaten leckt gerne myGully Deckel in der Kanalisation! | 7003204 Respekt PunkteSpaten leckt gerne myGully Deckel in der Kanalisation! | 7003204 Respekt PunkteSpaten leckt gerne myGully Deckel in der Kanalisation! | 7003204 Respekt PunkteSpaten leckt gerne myGully Deckel in der Kanalisation! | 7003204 Respekt PunkteSpaten leckt gerne myGully Deckel in der Kanalisation! | 7003204 Respekt PunkteSpaten leckt gerne myGully Deckel in der Kanalisation! | 7003204 Respekt PunkteSpaten leckt gerne myGully Deckel in der Kanalisation! | 7003204 Respekt PunkteSpaten leckt gerne myGully Deckel in der Kanalisation! | 7003204 Respekt PunkteSpaten leckt gerne myGully Deckel in der Kanalisation! | 7003204 Respekt Punkte
Standard E3 2009 Sammelthread

Alle Infos zur E3 aus Los Angeles, welche vom 1.Juni-4.Juni stattfindet!
  • E3: Valve kündigt Left 4 Dead 2 an - Release am 17. November

    Left 4 Dead 2 soll am 17. November 2009 erscheinen. Das ließ Valve auf der Microsoft-Pressekonferenz wissen. Der Horror-Shooter erscheint wieder für PC und Xbox 360. Der erfolgreiche Netzwerk-Shooter Left 4 Dead wird fortgesetzt. Teil 2 wird laut Valve Software zum Weihnachtsgeschäft mit fieseren Zombies, neuen Waffen und mehr Effekten aufwarten.

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    Das erste Left 4 Dead (L4D) konnte Valve 2,5 Millionen Mal verkaufen, seit es im November 2008 erschienen ist. Der Nachfolger Left 4 Dead 2 (L4D2) soll rund ein Jahr später, am 17. November 2009 veröffentlicht werden - ebenfalls für die Xbox 360 und Windows-PCs. Valve-Mitgründer Gabe Newell verspricht, dass L4D2 neue Maßstäbe beim kooperativen Multiplayer-Gaming setzen wird.

    Die Wettereffekte, Objekte, Wege und die Gegnerzahlen sollen sich dynamisch dem Spielverlauf anpassen. Das soll für mehr Abwechslung beim wiederholten Spielen sorgen. Im Unterschied zum ersten Teil wird L4D2 zudem zusätzlich um Nahkampf erweitert. Zusätzlich zu Schusswaffen wird es auch Axt, Baseballschläger, Bratpfanne, Kettensäge und weitere Nahkampfwaffen geben.

    Die hungrigen Zombiehorden werden durch neue Boss-Zombies unterstützt. Und die flüchtenden Menschen bestehen aus vier neuen Typen von Überlebenden (Survivors). Ihnen stehen neben einem größeren Waffenarsenal auch weitere Hilfsmittel zur Verfügung. Mit diesen müssen sie sich den Zombies in umfangreicheren kooperativen Kampagnen, mehr Versus-Kampagnen und Maps für den Survival-Mode erwehren. Ort der Handlung ist diesmal der US-Bundesstaat Louisiana.

    Für Valve ist Left 4 Dead 2 eines der wichtigsten Spiele für das laufende Jahr - entsprechend stark will der Spielepublisher die Werbetrommel dafür rühren.

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  • E3: Offizielle Ankündigung und erste Details zur Crysis 2

    Schon kurz nach dem Release von Crysis bekräftigte Crytek-Chef Cevat Yerli Vermutungen, wonach der Ego-Shooter als Trilogie angelegt sei. Electronic Arts' heutige Pressemitteilung mit der Ankündigung zu Crysis 2 kommt also keinesfalls überraschend. Die offizielle Bestätigung, die zudem erste Infos zum Sequel enthält, ist für Action-Fans nichtsdestotrotz sehr interessant.

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    Demzufolge wird Crysis 2 auf PC, Playstation 3 und Xbox 360 parallel erscheinen und als erstes Spiel überhaupt auf die brandneue CryEngine 3 zurück greifen, ein Umstand den die Entwickler noch einmal besonders hervor hoben.

    »Die Entwicklung von Crysis 2 markiert einen neuen Meilenstein für unser Studio,« so Yerli. »Dies ist nicht nur der nächste Schritt in der Crysis-Serie, es ist auch der erst Titel den wir für die Konsolen entwickeln und auch der Erste, der auf der CryEngine 3 basiert.«

    Branchenkenner hatten die Portierung für die Next-Gen-Konsolen bereits erwartet, wurde doch die CryEngine 3 zuletzt auch auf der Playsation 3 und der Xbox 360 präsentiert (alle wichtigen Details sowie zahlreiche Bilder hierzu finden Sie in unserem CryEngine 3-Schwerpunkt). Einen Veröffentlichungstermin für die Shooter-Hoffnung wollte EA zwar noch nicht nennen, im Gespräch mit Heiko Klinge ließ Yerli aber durchblicken, dass es mit dem Release von Crysis 2 schon Mitte 2010 so weit sein könnte.

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  • E3: Splinter Cell: Conviction - Langer Gameplay-Clip zeigt Neuerungen

    Ubisoft hat einen ersten Spielszenen-Trailer zu Splinter Cell: Conviction veröffentlicht. In dem knapp drei minütigen Video erklärt Maxime Béland, der Creative Director von Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction, das Schleich-Spiel anhand Spielszenen.

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    Sam Fisher ist in Malta und arbeitet nicht mehr für die amerikanische Regierung, sondern für sich selbst. Er ist auf der Suche nach dem Mörder seiner Tochter Sarah. Seine bisherigen Nachforschungen führen ihn zu einem zwielichten Waffenhändler.

    In einer Zwischensequenz verdrescht Sam den Waffenhändler auf brutale Art und Weise um neue Informationen zu erhalten. Danach wechselt das Video auf Spielszenen. Mit an Assassin's Creed erinnernde Kletteranimationen steigt Sam Fisher in ein Haus ein. Eine Neuerung zu bisherigen Splinter Cell-Teilen: Wenn Sam Fisher aus der Deckung angreift, kann er vorher seine Gegner in belieber Reihenfolge markieren, um sie dann zügig ausschalten zu können.

    Im Laufe des Videos wird immer klarer, dass Splinter Cell: Conviction deutlich brutaler ist als seine Vorgänger. So lässt sich Sam Fisher von Deckenrohre auf seine Gegner fallen - so weit so bekannt. Jedoch schaltet Sam seine Feinde dann mit einem gezielten und blutigen Messerstich in den Hals aus.

    Auch neu: Sam kann jetzt mit einer Spiegel-Scherbe durch einen Türschlitz den nächsten Raum begutachten, in dem in diesem Fall schon drei Gegner auf ihn warten. Trotzdem wirkt der Schleich-Anteil dem Action-Anteil deutlich unterlegen: Nach dem Inspizieren des Raumes mithilfe der Scherbe tritt Sam die Tür kurzerhand ein und erledigt die Gegner in bester Shooter-Manier.

    Schön: Die Einrichtung leidet sichtbar unter dem Schusswechsel. Tische zerbersten und Feinde landen in physikalisch korrekt zusammenklappenden Regalen. Als Sam dann den Mörder seiner Tochter stellen will, explodiert das halbe Dach und Elitesoldaten seilen sich in das Zimmer.
    Splinter Cell: Conviction erscheint im Herbst 2009 exklusiv für die Xbox 360. Eine offizielle PC-Ankündigung seitens der Entwickler steht noch aus.

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  • E3: Madden NFL 10--Online Franchise Details and More[ENG]

    Online franchise is coming to Madden NFL a console, PC, and iPhone near you. Details inside.

    Last week, EA Sports dropped the news that online co-op will be part of Madden NFL 10. The mode, which will allow two players to play on the same team against a CPU team, will feature headset support and allow either player to play as any position the field. In between plays, you'll be able to switch between players, which will be perfect for changing up between running and passing plays when on offense. When playing online, the game will focus on position-specific cameras that will follow each player's selected player throughout the entire play.

    Apart from online co-op play, the big Madden NFL 10 news--which was announced seemingly accidentally last week in a video detailing Madden's online cooperative play--is the inclusion of an Online Franchise mode. This is a feature that Madden fans have wanted for a long time. While the online league feature in last year's Madden NFL 09 felt more than a bit tacked on, online franchise, by contrast, seems as if it will be remarkably well rounded--at least based on what EA Sports has said about it so far.

    In addition to supporting real NFL schedules, online franchise will offer many of the same features you've come to expect from the Offline Franchise mode, including full stat tracking, the ability to set/save depth charts for your team, and trade support. It will also include both a fantasy draft and live draft option, the latter of which sounds like it will be a highlight for dedicated Madden franchise fans. While the best online franchise leagues will be those with a full slate of human players, you'll be able to fill in gaps with CPU control if you like.

    For Madden fans who live and breathe their favorite game, you'll be able to follow your franchise, even when you're away from your game console. The Madden NFL 10 Web site will allow you to manage your online franchise team, and it seems that everything--from setting your depth charts to proposing trades--will be available to you via the Web site. There's even an iPhone application in the works that will let you handle your franchise business when you aren't near your PC. No price or release date for the app has been announced yet, but we'll be following up on that soon.

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  • E3: Need for Speed: Shift EA Conference Impressions[ENG]

    EA shows some gameplay from the latest in the Need for Speed series.

    At its E3 2009 press conference, Electronic Arts gave a small taste of what to expect from the latest game in its flagship racing series, Need for Speed: Shift. But first, EA Games Europe senior vice president Patrick Soderlund jumped onto the stage and gave some background on EA's approach for the game, saying that most of the focus has been put on different styles of driving. More specifically, he said that there are drivers out there that strive for perfection, attempting to hit the apex of every turn and perform clean overtakes of other cars out on the track. Then, there are the aggressive drivers--the kind that like to trade paint and generally make life difficult for everyone else out on the track.

    Soderlund went on to say that Need for Speed: Shift plays into this with a gameplay system that rewards certain styles of driving. In the video being shown, we saw awards for everything from endurance and clean to dominator. These awards, along with other attributes such as profile points and personal successes, help create a unique driver persona. In addition, drivers can create rivalries with each other out on the track--we had a brief glimpse of two cars trading paint, which made a rivalry icon appear onscreen.

    At the end of the presentation, EA showed the beginning of a standard race, and the first thing that was apparent was the sound. If nothing else, Need for Speed: Shift does a great job with engine noise and other sound effects. But also impressive was the sense of speed as well as the physics, which were showcased with little bumps and taps from other cars as well as a massive head-on collision with a wall at the end of the video. Need for Speed: Shift is scheduled for release on September 22, but stay tuned for more on Shift in our continuing coverage of E3 2009.

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  • E3: Massig Screenshots u.a. zu:

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  • E3: EA Sports details Fight Night Round 4[ENG]

    LOS ANGELES--Peter Moore, president of EA Sports, took to the stage at the EA conference at E3 today to announce the publisher's new lineup of sports titles.

    Moore kicked things off by detailing the upcoming Fight Night Round 4, which will now ship on June 25. The game will feature improved graphics, gameplay at 60 frames per second (improved from Fight Night Round 3's 30 frames per second), more realistic blood, and sweat spray and fluid controls.

    The game has been made on an improved physics engine that will be able to detect where an opponent's blows land, as well as utilize a fighter's height and reach. Players will also be able to make their fighters get up close and personal with each other, with no barrier for close-range combat.

    The visual style of the game has also been improved since the last title, using a dynamics-driven system to give depth and variety to such things as muscle tone and flex, as well as a fighter's facial expressions.

    Fight Night Round 4 will feature athletes Muhammad Ali and Mike Tyson and is out June 25.

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  • E3: Mass Effect 2 - EA Press Conference Impressions[ENG]

    We dissect the new Mass Effect 2 trailer and spot new enemies, new locations, and some familiar faces.

    At today's E3 press conference, EA showed a new trailer for Mass Effect 2, the sequel to Bioware's critically acclaimed interstellar adventure. Straight out of the gate we see Commander Shepard's ship, the Normandy, appear out of hyperspace looking as sleek as ever. We then hear the voice of the man himself say, "I'm gathering specialists for a mission. It's not gonna be easy. The chances of surviving… slim."" Perhaps Shepard wasn't killed in action, as a teaser trailer suggested this past February? Our thoughts are immediately echoed by an Asari woman who stutters, "Shepard… but,… you're dead!"

    No he isn't (apparently)! In the very next frame we see Commander Shepard (as the default male character model from Mass Effect) striking a startled pose, flanked by a surly-looking human and a Quarian warrior with a purple-tinted mask. Shepard is wearing heavy armor emblazoned with his signature "N7," but his companions don't look familiar. At this point we've seen Asari and Quarian characters, but no familiar faces from Mass Effect except for Shepard.

    The next frames ramp up the action significantly, and we see brief combat sequences from the game's third-person perspective. Both feature Shepard destroying enemies explosively, and though they went by pretty fast, the enemies seemed like alien races that we hadn't seen before. Some later combat close-ups featured glowing plates on both guns and armor that seemed to flash or take damage. When destroyed, a few enemies burst asunder in a spray of gooey red giblets. They are being sure to show combat as more visceral and immediate, but there are some longer range, cover-based battles that reflect the range of the combat spaces.

    As the trailer gained more momentum, we saw a bunch of cut-scene excitement (flying hover cars!) and, in a particularly notable sequence, a Turian dropped down from the ceiling and snapped a male soldier's neck. This soldier was wearing yellow and white armor, apparently the same armor worn by a masked figure that featured pretty heavily later on. In one scene, this figure is apparently being pursued by Shepard and his two-man team (it seems three is the magic number again, in terms of field team size), and then ends up defenestrated. This character has a distinctive logo on his chest: a black circle with sun-like flares around the outside. The yellow inside of the circle is spanned by three parallel black bars. Could this be a new faction to contend with? They certainly seem to be attracting attention, both from in-game enemies and from folks who put this trailer together.

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  • "Project Natal": Microsoft und die Revolution im Wohnzimmer

    Neues Eingabegerät soll Medieninteraktion grundlegend verändern

    Es hatte viele Spekulationen gegeben, jetzt ist klar, um was es ging: Auf der E3 in Los Angeles hat Microsoft ein Zusatzgerät für die Xbox 360 vorgestellt, das die Bedienung von Spielen und anderen Medien mit Bewegungen zulässt - und auf neuartige Weise auf Sprache, Gesichter und sogar Emotionen reagieren soll.
    Im Wohnzimmer wartet immer jemand. Sobald der Bürger von morgen in die Nähe seines Fernsehers kommt, verfolgen ihn freundliche Blicke. Ein TV-Avatar grüßt nett, weist auf einen neuen Spielfilm oder ein paar Nachrichten in Facebook oder Twitter hin. So stellt sich Microsoft die künftige Integration der interaktiven Unterhaltung in unser Leben vor. Auf der E3 in Los Angeles hat das Unternehmen erstmals sein "Project Natal" genanntes Gerät vorgestellt. Das ist auf den ersten Blick nur eine an die Xbox 360 angeschlossene Kamera, die Bewegungen und stimmen erfasst - aber wenn das Gerät hält, was Microsoft an zusätzlichen Funktionen verspricht, könnte "Natal" tatsächlich Teile unseres Alltags umkrempeln.

    Die grundlegende Technik für das neue Gerät dürfte vom israelischen Unternehmen 3DV Systems stammen, das Microsoft Anfang 2009 gekauft hatte und das sich auf Gestensteuerung spezialisiert hatte. Der kleine Apparat mit dem - wohl als Arbeitstitel zu verstehenden - Namen Project Natal verfügt über eine RGB-Kamera, einen Tiefensensor sowie über Raumklangmikrofone. Im Unterschied zu 2-D-Kameras und 2-D-Kontrollern kann es laut Microsoft Körperbewegungen in 3D aufnehmen, während es zeitgleich auf Befehle, Richtungsänderungen und sogar Veränderungen in der Stimmlage reagieren kann. Der Sensor soll nicht abhängig von den Lichtverhältnissen sein und das System über ein weitgehendes Verständnis für Sprachbefehle verfügen.

    In der Praxis bedeutet das: Sobald eine Person in Reichweite der Sensoren gerät, kann Project Natal das korrekte Xbox-Profil zuordnen und den Spieler individuell mit einem Avatar, der seinem echten Gegenüber scheinbar in die Augen blickt, per Sprachausgabe begrüßen. Der Nutzer kann dann entweder selbst Befehle erteilen, oder sich mit Bewegungen durch das Menü der Xbox-Oberfläche scrollen. Auf der Präsentation in Los Angeles funktionierte das alles beeindruckend gut und erinnerte an die Art, in der sich Tom Cruise in dem Film Minority Report durch Computersysteme hangelt. Kein Wunder, dass bei der Präsentation von Project Natal auch dessen Regisseur Steven Spielberg auf die Bühne trat und die neue Technik in höchsten Tönen lobte.

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Simsalabin (08.03.19)
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Das Geheimnis um die Metal Gear Teaserseite ist endlich gelüftet.

Metal Gear Solid: Rising für die XBox 360.
Vorhin auf der Microsoft Pressekonferenz von Kojima angekündigt.

Countdown läuft allerdings noch bis 0Uhr. Mal sehn ob da noch was kommt.
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Ungelesen 01.06.09, 21:23   #3
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Ungelesen 01.06.09, 21:29   #4
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L4D 2 Goil. Freu mich wie n Ese.
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Ungelesen 01.06.09, 22:44   #5
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Spaten leckt gerne myGully Deckel in der Kanalisation! | 7003204 Respekt PunkteSpaten leckt gerne myGully Deckel in der Kanalisation! | 7003204 Respekt PunkteSpaten leckt gerne myGully Deckel in der Kanalisation! | 7003204 Respekt PunkteSpaten leckt gerne myGully Deckel in der Kanalisation! | 7003204 Respekt PunkteSpaten leckt gerne myGully Deckel in der Kanalisation! | 7003204 Respekt PunkteSpaten leckt gerne myGully Deckel in der Kanalisation! | 7003204 Respekt PunkteSpaten leckt gerne myGully Deckel in der Kanalisation! | 7003204 Respekt PunkteSpaten leckt gerne myGully Deckel in der Kanalisation! | 7003204 Respekt PunkteSpaten leckt gerne myGully Deckel in der Kanalisation! | 7003204 Respekt PunkteSpaten leckt gerne myGully Deckel in der Kanalisation! | 7003204 Respekt PunkteSpaten leckt gerne myGully Deckel in der Kanalisation! | 7003204 Respekt Punkte

Infos nun auch zu Splinter Cell in meinem Beitrag oben
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Ungelesen 01.06.09, 23:28   #6
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Hier noch für alle Nostalgiker ein Trailer zur kommenden Monkey Island Special Edition.
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Heisst es wird das alte Monkey Island mit Sprachausgebe versehen und bekommt ne Grafikauffrischung.
Mich freut es, war ein großer Monkey Island Fan.
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Ungelesen 02.06.09, 00:01   #7
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Spaten leckt gerne myGully Deckel in der Kanalisation! | 7003204 Respekt PunkteSpaten leckt gerne myGully Deckel in der Kanalisation! | 7003204 Respekt PunkteSpaten leckt gerne myGully Deckel in der Kanalisation! | 7003204 Respekt PunkteSpaten leckt gerne myGully Deckel in der Kanalisation! | 7003204 Respekt PunkteSpaten leckt gerne myGully Deckel in der Kanalisation! | 7003204 Respekt PunkteSpaten leckt gerne myGully Deckel in der Kanalisation! | 7003204 Respekt PunkteSpaten leckt gerne myGully Deckel in der Kanalisation! | 7003204 Respekt PunkteSpaten leckt gerne myGully Deckel in der Kanalisation! | 7003204 Respekt PunkteSpaten leckt gerne myGully Deckel in der Kanalisation! | 7003204 Respekt PunkteSpaten leckt gerne myGully Deckel in der Kanalisation! | 7003204 Respekt PunkteSpaten leckt gerne myGully Deckel in der Kanalisation! | 7003204 Respekt Punkte

Brandaktuelle Infos zu Madden in meinem Beitrag! (24 Minuten alt )
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Ungelesen 02.06.09, 00:47   #8
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weiss zufölig jemand wo es die komplette konverenz von ms noch mal zum ansehen/downloaden gibt?
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Ungelesen 02.06.09, 00:48   #9
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Spaten leckt gerne myGully Deckel in der Kanalisation! | 7003204 Respekt PunkteSpaten leckt gerne myGully Deckel in der Kanalisation! | 7003204 Respekt PunkteSpaten leckt gerne myGully Deckel in der Kanalisation! | 7003204 Respekt PunkteSpaten leckt gerne myGully Deckel in der Kanalisation! | 7003204 Respekt PunkteSpaten leckt gerne myGully Deckel in der Kanalisation! | 7003204 Respekt PunkteSpaten leckt gerne myGully Deckel in der Kanalisation! | 7003204 Respekt PunkteSpaten leckt gerne myGully Deckel in der Kanalisation! | 7003204 Respekt PunkteSpaten leckt gerne myGully Deckel in der Kanalisation! | 7003204 Respekt PunkteSpaten leckt gerne myGully Deckel in der Kanalisation! | 7003204 Respekt PunkteSpaten leckt gerne myGully Deckel in der Kanalisation! | 7003204 Respekt PunkteSpaten leckt gerne myGully Deckel in der Kanalisation! | 7003204 Respekt Punkte

Hier gibt es auf jedenFall Ubisoft zum anschauen... und MS zum nachlesen

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Ungelesen 02.06.09, 00:55   #10
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Hmm bräuchste die Konferenz als video. Falls des einer hat immer her damit.
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Ungelesen 02.06.09, 01:28   #11
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So, im Moment läuft noch Ubisoft, doch ich gehe gleich off und werde morgen weiter bericht erstatten... Gruß^^
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Ungelesen 02.06.09, 12:41   #12
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HATI ist noch neu hier! | 0 Respekt Punkte

also Alan Wake schaut einfach ma wirklich klasse aus .

PS: Danke Jungs für die tollen Infos zur E3 und auch so für die netten Newsbeiträge. Weiter so .
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Ungelesen 02.06.09, 21:12   #13
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Standard E3: Tag 2

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  • E3: Super Mario Galaxy 2[ENG]

    E3 2009: Popular plumber gets second interstellar jaunt on Nintendo's console, while Tecmo's Team Ninja prepping Samus-led action adventure for 2010.

    LOS ANGELES--Nintendo led off its Electronic Entertainment Expo 2009 press event with New Super Mario Bros. for the Wii, a co-op heavy side-scrolling platformer. As Nintendo's press event wrapped up, the publisher trotted out two arguably even more sought after titles, announcing Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Metroid: Other M for the Wii.

    While Nintendo typically limits its flagship 3D Mario titles to one per console generation, the publisher said that it was making an exception for the Wii with Super Mario Galaxy 2. The 3D platformer draws its aesthetic heavily from the highly acclaimed first installment in the Galaxy series, with a brief trailer for the game showing Mario and his dinosaur friend Yoshi navigating a variety of interstellar planets.

    A hallmark of the Mario franchise, the game features a number of themed levels, with the demo showing a snow-coated planet, an underwater section, a haunted castle, and a lush, flora-heavy world. Super Mario Galaxy 2 also maintains the original's puzzle design, showing Mario and Yoshi grappling with tricky environmental hazards and wandering enemies. Nintendo did not reveal a release window for Super Mario Galaxy 2.

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  • E3: Assassin's Creed 2 First Impressions[ENG]

    Desmond is back, and this time, he's diving into the memories of a Renaissance-era ancestor.

    Assassin's Creed set the gaming world on fire when it appeared at the end of 2006, and despite being one of the strongest years for games in recent memory, it secured excellent reviews, as well as sales. The game put you in the middle of the third crusades as assassin Altair, whose memories were accessible to his present-day descendant Desmond. The game boasted an intriguing story, stunning graphics, and memorable backdrops. These included the Holy Land, as well as the cities of Jerusalem, Acre, and Damascus.

    It's no surprise, then, that Ubisoft is prepping a sequel, and we were lucky enough to be invited to meet the game's creative director Patrice Desilets for a first look at the game. He told us that you'll rejoin Desmond straight after the events of the original, and while his role isn't clear yet, he will be more interactive than before. Lucy will also return, again played by Kristen Bell, with the Animus and the nefarious Abstergo Industries featured in the present-day setting as well.

    As for the historic setting, Assassin's Creed 2 moves to the Italian Renaissance in 1486. It is set in Venice, Florence, and Tuscany. Again, you'll play as one of Desmond's ancestors, who is called Ezio Auditore da Firenze. Ezio is born into a noble family, but he soon becomes embroiled in a plot against his family, causing him to exact revenge on the conspirators. Ezio's quest will see him go up against the powerful Grimaldi family, a precursor to the modern-day Mafioso. In addition to squaring up against the Grimaldis, we know that the Templars will again make a return. One of the central characters is Carno Grimaldi, who is one of the most powerful men in Venice. And while he's obviously well protected, it appears as though his overconfidence may ultimately be his downfall.

    Unlike Altair, Ezio isn't a fully trailed assassin when you first take control of him. In fact, he's not an assassin at all but simply part of a merchant family. However, throughout the course of the game, you will lead Ezio to embrace the lifestyle of an assassin. Luckily, you're aided by one of the Renaissance's most revered minds: Leonardo da Vinci. The legendary Italian polymath will play a key part in the story, and he's described by creative director Patrice Desilets as the game's answer to James Bond's Q. The inventor created many ingenious designs, and he'll equip you with all sorts of useful gadgets in the game. One of the best creative licenses occurs around Da Vinci's famous flying machine, which--it appears--he originally created for Ezio's use. We saw how he used it to navigate Venice from the air as he controlled altitude by using the heat from burning platforms floating on the water.

    Soaring above the watery city looked incredible and was a new way to show off Assassin's amazing vistas. The confused guards mistake the contraption for a flying devil and try to shoot you down using arrows. We watched a demo of Ezio flying through several areas of the city, including Venice's famed Piazza San Marco square, but the ultimate aim is to gain entrance to a heavily guarded mansion where one of your targets is located. Thankfully, landing on the rooftops reduces the risk of being spotted because there are only a few guards. Ezio easily took out a few nearby snipers, pushing one of them into the lagoon, and he then dived into one of the famous haystacks that make a return from the first game.

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  • E3: Trailer von der E3

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Ungelesen 03.06.09, 19:49   #14
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Standard E3: Spaten's 3. Tag

Spaten's 3. Tag bei der E3 und auch ein Rest vom 2.
  • E3: Sony schwingt das virtuelle Schwert auf der Playstation 3

    Bewegungssteuerung mit eigenwilligem Konzept

    E3 In den Händen hält der Spieler Kunststoffcontroller, auf dem Bildschirm trägt er Schwert und Schild: Auch Sony hat für die Playstation 3 eine Steuerung mit Bewegungssensoren vorgestellt. Und neue Spiele sind im Angebot, darunter ein frischer Titel von Rockstar North und Final Fantasy 14.

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    Was hat Sony Computer Entertainment als Besonderheit auf der E3 im Angebot: Eine dünnere Playstation 3? Eine günstigere Playstation 3? Oder einen Bewegungssensor für die Playstation 3? Die letzte Antwort ist richtig. Denn nachdem am Vortag Microsoft sein Project Natal enthüllte, zeigte auch Sony Computer Entertainment einen Controller, der die Steuerung von Spielen mit Bewegungen erlaubt. Ganz neu ist das Konzept allerdings nicht: Es entspricht weitgehend einem Patent, das Sony am 24. Juni 2008 eingereicht hatte.

    E3 In den Händen hält der Spieler Kunststoffcontroller, auf dem Bildschirm trägt er Schwert und Schild: Auch Sony hat für die Playstation 3 eine Steuerung mit Bewegungssensoren vorgestellt. Und neue Spiele sind im Angebot, darunter ein frischer Titel von Rockstar North und Final Fantasy 14.

    Technisch funktioniert die Bewegungserkennung mit Hilfe der bereits für die Playstation 3 erhältlichen Kamera. Sie berechnet zum einen die Raumkoordinaten, zum anderen empfängt sie per Ultraschall von den Eingabegeräten ausgesandte zusätzliche Daten. Somit lässt sich die Position des Eingabegeräts im Raum, aber auch im im Verhältnis zu anderen Controllern des gleichen Typs ermitteln. Die Prototypen, die vorgeführt wurden, verfügen noch über farbige rote Kugeln am oberen Ende - wie das fertige Produkt aussehen könnte, ist nicht bekannt.

    Die Präsentation des noch namenlosen Geräts war charmant. Statt protziger Trailer, Effekte oder gar Prominenter hatte Sony zwei junge Ingenieure aus der hauseigenen Entwicklungsabteilung geladen. Sie zeigten mit spürbar viel Begeisterung ihre neue Technik. Deren Vorteil ist, dass in der virtuellen Welt der Bewegungscontroller gegen andere Dinge ausgetauscht werden kann. Also hält der Spieler plötzlich einen Tennisschläger oder einen Baseballschläger in der Hand.

    Oder ein Schwert, eine Pistole, einen Stift oder Pinsel - absolut alles ist möglich. Auch Pfeil und Bogen lassen sich damit imitieren oder Schwert und Schild. Grafisch besonders imposant wirkte ein Morgenstern, der an einem Seil hing und wild zu schleudern war, sowie eine hell strahlende Peitsche, die sich vergleichsweise realistisch bewegte.

    Die Technik von Sony hat Vorteile gegenüber dem von Microsoft präsentierten Gerät: Sie ist angeblich genauer und laut den Entwicklern fühlt es sich einfach falsch an, etwa bei einer Pistole keinen Knopf zum Drücken zu haben, wie es bei Project Natal der Fall ist. Außerdem funktioniere die eigene Technik ausgesprochen präzise, so Sony. Und um Bewegungen zu erfassen, muss die Kamera nicht Blick auf die Eingabegeräte haben - ein Couchtisch stört also nicht. Dafür verfügt sie, anders als Natal, nicht über eine integrierte Spracherkennung und kann nicht den ganzen Körper erfassen. Auch wenn die Konzepte der beiden Unternehmen vergleichbar scheinen: Im Grunde handelt es sich um vollständig unterschiedliche Ansätze. Wann die neuen Controller auf den Markt kommen und zu welchem Preis, ist derzeit noch völlig offen, sie befinden sich offensichtlich immer noch in der Entwicklung.

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  • E3: FIFA 10 - Electronic Arts gibt erste Details bekannt

    "Wir glauben, dass wir das realistischste, intelligenteste und authentischste Fussballspiel der Welt entwickelt haben". Mit diesen Worten hat Electronic Arts in Person von Producer Andrew Wilson erste Details zur Fussball-Simulation FIFA 10 bekannt gegeben. Ähnlich wie Konami bei Pro Evolution Soccer 10 will EA in erster Linie auf das Feedback der Online-Spieler gehört und einen Großteil der Wünsche in den neuesten Ableger integriert haben.

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    Die Grundlage für ein perfektes Rasenschach ist die KI - und genau diese hat Electronic Arts in allen Mannschaftsteilen weitgehend überarbeitet. Die Folge ist ein deutlich effektiveres Stellungsspiel. Während Offensivkräfte nun Lücken im Abwehrverbund der gegnerischen Verteidiger erkennen und sich freilaufen, stopft die Defensive plötzlich auftretende Löcher in der Abwehr selbständig. Zudem ist das Verschieben gegen den Ball und das Forchecking der Verteidiger und defensiven Mittelfeldspieler ausgeprägter als in früheren FIFA-Versionen. Und wenn ein gegnerischer Stürmer doch einmal die Abwehr aushebeln sollte, dann steht ein erstklassiger Torhüter im Strafraum (England einmal ausgenommen), dessen Reflexe und Paraden nochmals optimiert wurden.
    Eine der größten Neuerungen ist jedoch das so genannte 360-Grad-Dribbling. Mit Hilfe einer neuen Animationstechnologie soll die Ballkontrolle und der Bewegunsablauf des ballführenden Spielers wesentlich einfacher und flüssiger von der Hand gehen - blitzschnelle Dribblings und überraschende Tricks inbegriffen. Selbst Zweikämpfe sollen nun deutlich intensiver geführt werden können.
    Zu guter Letzt hat Electronic Arts auch den Manager-Modus verbessert. Mehr als 50 Neuerungen sollen in die Entwicklung des Modus geflossen sein, darunter ins Transfersystem und der Formkurve eines Spielers.
    Weitere Informationen zu FIFA 10 will EA am 5. Juni auf der offiziellen Webseite veröffentlichen. Vielleicht sehen wir dann bereits die ersten bewegten Spielszenen von FIFA 10 - daran muss sich Electronic Arts angesichts der Vielzahl an Ankündigungen messen lassen.

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  • E3: Wolfenstein Updated Impressions[ENG]

    We step back into the boots of B.J. Blazkowicz'and take him for his annual check-up as we investigate the latest Nazi experiments.

    Our last look at Wolfenstein gave us a hint at the flavour developer Raven Software is going for with the long-running franchise, spinning it off into more of a supernatural meets sci-fi shooter. Though today’s demo took a step backwards slightly, putting us back in the passenger's rather than the driver’s seat since last time we saw it we got hands-on, we did get a look at a new level dubbed Hospital.

    Set about a third of the way into the final game, hospital was set up for us as being a military installation where some pretty nasty medical experiments are going on. Part clinic, part office building, the building's hallways twisted and turned, occasionally dovetailing into small laboratory and consulting rooms. Our job was to stay alive long enough to discover what nefarious experiments were being conducted on site, and subsequently shut them down.

    Unfortunately it looks like someone has tipped off the Nazis to B.J.’s “Veil” alternate reality controlling powers with enough notice for them to have developed and deployed Veil blocking towers. These stop B.J. from shifting into the world where he draws his powers, removing his ability to slow down time with his Mire ability, put up a Veil shield to protect himself from incoming damage, or see foes in the dark using his Veil Sight. The latter two abilities were demonstrated for the first time during our session and became particularly handy when the power was cut and we were able to sneak around using a silenced assault rifle and pick off prey as they scrambled in the dark. Luckily for us, despite their forward planning, Veil blockers can be destroyed with simple damage including bullets and melee attacks. Doing so removes an on-screen shader effect not unlike the Veil’s monochrome black and green hues.

    To date we’ve mostly gone up against humans in the form of Nazi soldiers, but our E3 demo also showed off two new enemy types. Assassin are blue-glowing phase-shifting characters with a penchant for hooks and blades. One snuck up on us as we traversed a darkened hallway, slashing at us and landing the odd hit. Landing a blow left bloody fingernail style scratches on the screen for a few seconds (think House of the Dead) before fading away. The other new adversary are called Scribes and are mutated versions of what we can only imagine used to be a soldier, but is now a lot more green and angry. Their ace is the ability to protect fellow attackers from harm by deploying a shield. This makes them pretty nasty when they travel with groups of either other Scribes or armed guards as you’ll need to pick them off before you can actually start dealing damage to both them and their support. Both new enemy types were fairly easily dispatched using our assortment of machineguns.

    The level concluded with a cut-scene showing a lab-coat wearing scientist and a high-ranking Nazi officer standing on a raised platform beside a glowing green portal. B.J.’s appearance obviously surprised them and interrupted their conversation about the experiment results being unstable. Not wanting to go down without a fight, the officer knocked the scientist into the portal, only to be greeted seconds later by what we can only assume was the same scientist in now heavily mutated form. Protip: The giveaway was the still tenaciously clinging but ripped lab coat amongst the giant muscles and snarling teeth before the demo ended with a fade to black.

    Wolfenstein is due out on the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC platforms in July this year. Stay tuned for our continued coverage from E3 2009.

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  • E3: Tekken 6 Scenario Campaign Impressions[ENG]

    We visit Namco Bandai's E3 booth and check out Tekken 6's recently announced Scenario Campaign mode.

    A couple of hours after E3 closed its doors on day one, Namco Bandai issued a press release announcing that Tekken 6 will feature a cooperative "Scenario Campaign" mode in which you and an online friend can pit your skills against waves of enemies and, oddly, equip your favorite combatant with weapons that include staffs, flamethrowers, and machine guns. We already checked out the PS3 version's Arcade mode yesterday, so this morning we headed for the Xbox 360 version and asked a Namco Bandai representative to show us Scenario Campaign.

    In the finished game, you'll be able to play as any of the fighters on Tekken 6's 40-strong roster, but the E3 demo only features five of them. After opting for Paul, we were somewhat surprised to see that there was a second, AI-controlled character accompanying him. We already knew that the game was designed to support online co-op play, but didn't realize that in the absence of a second player the AI will step in. Based on today's demo, the AI isn't going to be nearly as useful to you as even a moderately skilled player would be, but it at least gives the enemies two targets to worry about.

    The demo kicked off in a series of back streets and alleyways where generic-looking (at least when compared to Tekken's regular cast) enemies wasted no time launching their attack. There were rarely more than four or five enemies on screen simultaneously, and they didn't appear to pose a significant threat, but their health bars were long enough that they'd at least stay standing long enough for you practice combos on them. Alternatively, you can just find yourself a weapon and mow them down.

    Weapons are dropped by certain enemies and can, of course, also be found inside destructible crates. The only weapon that we got to see on this occasion was a powerful minigun which, used in conjunction with the lock-on targeting system, made short work of several enemies before they could even get close to Paul. The weapons have limited ammo, so don't think for a moment that this is a third-person shooter that just happens to star your favorite Tekken characters. You'll have access to your chosen fighter's full repertoire of moves in Scenario Campaign mode, and when come you come up against bosses from elsewhere on the roster--on this occasion the bosses were Anna Williams and Dragonov--who are invariably accompanied by a number of other enemies, you'll need them.

    Another boss, or at least bonus boss from the single-player game, who put in an appearance was the large "Nancy" robot that you'll be able to play as in certain Scenario Campaign levels. We got to see Nancy in action and, as you'll already know if you've fought against it in an arcade, it has a repertoire of moves that's almost as deep as those of the regular fighters. Stomping through a shopping mall filled with the enemies, Nancy's projectiles, area-of-effect stomps, and spinning attacks proved devastating, and although Nancy was taking a good amount of damage as well, the enemies were dropping plenty of life-restoring chickens to pick up.

    After defeating Anna as Nancy the E3 demo finished, but not before we got a look at the score screen that details how many enemies you killed, your score, and any items that you managed to find. On this occasion Paul had picked up a pair of blue flight gloves that, when equipped, afford him extra defense. We're not sure what happens when items drop and both players try to pick them up because, on this occasion, the Namco Bandai guy showing off the game didn't know the answer to our question. We look forward to bringing you that answer, as well as other information on Tekken 6, in the coming months.

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  • E3: Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine First Look

    Relic unveils its next Warhammer 40K game with this action RPG stunner.

    In the future, there is only war. And that's a very good thing in Relic's upcoming Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine. The developer, best known as developers of real-time strategy games and, in 40K circles, as the minds behind the two Dawn of War games, is stretching their development muscles with Space Marine, which will be an action RPG that looks to give players an immediate and action-soaked look at the Warhammer universe.

    Today, behind closed doors, Relic developers showed a four-and-a-half-minute trailer of Space Marine. While no concrete gameplay was shown, producers made a point of saying that all of the footage shown in the trailer came from in-engine, which was impressive, considering the visual quality on display.

    The high-level story of Space Marine will follow your character as he and his fellow power-suited badasses try to stem the tide of an invasion by the green-skinned Orks on a forge planet (the planetary factories where Space Marine weaponry is created). Beyond that overview, we don't know much else about the story in the game. But, honestly, when the rest of the trailer was filled with action-packed shots of Space Marines and Orks mixing it up in glorious fashion, who really cares about the story?

    It's combat that will be one of the key factors in Space Marine and while the specific control mechanics are still under wraps, Relic reps told us that they intend every button to be capable of a violent action. We're not quite certain that means you'll be able to decapitate your foe with a press of the select button, but we get the point.

    One thing we do know is that your Space Marine will have access to plenty of different weapons at hand, including energy swords, chain blades, and huge, electrical hammers that will be effective for dealing with swarming enemies. There will also be ranged weapons, of course; we saw one Marine picking off Orks with a pistol, and another spraying bullets out of a belt-fed machine gun. What weapons you wield will be only part of the customization options in Space Marine--the footage also showed some leveling aspects, where the player will be able to upgrade attributes like strength, attack, and defense.

    So far, only Space Marines and Orks have been confirmed to be in the game but, as the game is early in development, there's always the possibility that could change in the future. From the demo, the Orks look to be ferocious (and slightly stupid) enemies, perfectly in keeping with their "chop first, never ask questions" approach to battle. Relic is also being tight-lipped about online options in the game, but hinted that they look to do justice to the Warhammer universe's tradition as a shared experience.

    We can't wait to see how Space Marine shapes up, particularly with regard to the customization elements of your Space Marine, which has always been a 40K hallmark. No release date has even been hinted at yet but here's hoping the hard-hitting combat that 40K table-top players have always envisioned in their mind's-eye will be brought to life in the game. Stay tuned for more Space Marine coverage in the coming months.

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  • Halo: Reach coming in fall 2010

    E3 2009: During a Halo 3: ODST demo on GameSpot's show floor stage, Bungie developers narrow the launch window of its next installment in the hallowed sci-fi franchise.

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    LOS ANGELES--For Halo fans, the high point of Microsoft's E3 Press Conference on Tuesday was the announcement of Halo Reach, an all-new game from Bungie Studios. Staffers from the now-independent developer said that the game had been a top-secret project for some time, and that it would arrive sometime in 2010.

    Though Bungie did not divulge any further details at the time, many followers of the Halo series assumed that it would be based on the novel Halo: The Fall of Reach, a prequel to the game trilogy. The brief trailer (below) seemed to mimic the Eric Nylund-penned book's plot, which follows the brutal conquest of the first human colonial world by the multiracial religious-fanatic alliance known as the Covenant. Its final title card, "Falls 2010" (emphasis added), seemed further indication that the would recreate Fall of Reach's vicious and bleak storyline.

    Now it appears that the trailer's final words were actually a hint about the game's release date. During a Halo 3: ODST demo on GameSpot's stage show on the E3 Show Floor, Bungie staffers took a viewer question about when the multiplayer beta for the game--set to begin sometime in 2010--would start. Their response confirmed the game itself would stick to the September-November launch window of prior Halo games.

    "We don’t have an actual firm date for it yet, but I don't anticipate it being day and date with the game," one Bungie staffer said. "I can say you will need the Halo 3: ODST disc to access the beta when it does become available. I can confirm that that beta will go live sometime between the release of Halo 3: ODST on September 22nd and the release of Halo: Reach next fall."

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  • Fallout 3: Point Lookout DLC Hands-On

    We took the ferry to a swampy new region where we met mutated hill folk, insane cultists, and a mansion-owning Ghoul.

    The world of Fallout 3 is vaster and getting vaster. The latest DLC expansion, Point Lookout, will ferry players to a swampy, sprawling area where they can roam through new environments, make new friends, and kill new nasties. We visited Bethesda's E3 booth to explore this region for ourselves, and got the scoop on some of the different locations, enemies, weapons, and perks that Point Lookout will deliver when it comes to the Xbox 360 and PC on June 23rd.

    The Point Lookout adventure begins, like most other Fallout 3 DLC, with a radio message. You get word of a man who's been importing a strange kind of mutated fruit, and head south to the tidal basin to investigate. You meet the importer, Tobar the Ferryman, and he will eventually offer you a ticket on his next trip to Point Lookout. Once there, you pull up to the decrepit docks and see Point Lookout's first new area, an old boardwalk amusement park. A Ferris wheel looms off to the left, and rows of carnival games beckon for you to explore them. We let their mysteries lie and headed off to the right, up towards a mansion perched on a hill. To the right beyond the mansion we spotted a lonely lighthouse, while off to the left the hill gradually sloped downwards into a large swamp. Though we could see an ancient cathedral looming in the distance, there was a lot of open space between us and the ruins. Point Lookout is more focused on exploratory action and is aimed at pleasing players who liked nothing better than to wander the wastes, discovering new locations and run afoul of the locals.

    Speaking of the locals, we met some of Point Lookout's savage inhabitants as we made our way up the hill to the mansion. These half-clothed mutants looked like gnarly inbred hillbillies, the kind that might drag you away in The Hills Have Eyes. After making short work of those goons, we approached the mansion (Calvert Mansion, by name) and saw some high tech security cameras guarding the entrance. A voice came over the loudspeaker, identifying us "not a Tribal" and demanding that we get inside and help him fight some bad guys off. Inside the mansion we found ourselves in a large entrance hall, with two curving staircases framing a makeshift outpost. Wired turrets were blazing as a man and his two dogs fought off some characters that looked a lot like Raiders.

    In Point Lookout, the Raider niche has been filled by Tribals, fervent cultists who paint their faces and utter religiously-themed battle cries. Playing as a Level 20+ character, we actually had a tougher time killing a few Tribals with a Chinese Assault Rifle than we expected. Point Lookout is more difficult than much of the previous DLC, and is tailored for players who have beaten Broken Steel and are on their way to level 30. In fact, we're told the initial message clueing players in to Point Lookout's location will include a warning that it is quite dangerous. The Lead Producer of Fallout DLC translated: players should be at least Level 17 or so, and even those in the early 20s will face a healthy challenge.

    After dispatching the Tribals, we found out that our impromptu ally was actually a Ghoul. No time to chat, however, as the Ghoul's array of security televisions showed Tribal incursions all throughout the mansion. We headed into the dining room for some more combat, and encountered some particularly aggressive Tribals wielding axes. Though unwieldy, axes pack quite a punch, as does the other new melee weapon, shovels. Point Lookout takes the opposite tack from Broken Steel by introducing weapons that are less technologically advanced than the player's arsenal. Double-barreled shotguns, lever-action rifles, and a nice variation on Lincoln's Repeater are among the new firearms players can expect to pry from their enemies cold, dead hands.

    We didn't last much longer in the mansion, as Tribals crashed down from floors above and quickly swarmed us. Bethesda seems true to their word about the difficulty level, which bodes well for seasoned wastelanders. There are also new perks to be earned at the end of some of Point Lookout's quests, though the level cap will be staying right where it is. Point Lookout is scheduled for release on June 23rd, and the fifth DLC pack, Mothership Zeta, is slotted in for later this year. For more on upcoming Fallout 3 DLC, check out our news blog entry detailing the DLC release schedule for Xbox 360, PC and PlayStation 3.

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