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Uwe Farz
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Mother Jones über Qanon:
QAnon Is Supposed to Be All About Protecting Kids. Its Primary Enabler Appears to Have Hosted Child Porn Domains.
Archives document Jim Watkins’ links to domains suggestive of underage sexual material.

AJ Vicens
Ali Breland

One dark irony of QAnon has always been that the conspiracy theory, which holds that President Trump is waging a war on a cabal of elite liberal pedophiles, rose to prominence on 8chan, an imageboard where users swapped child pornography.

But that irony may have a darker, deeper layer: Mother Jones has uncovered that Jim Watkins, the owner of 8chan and its successor site, 8kun, controls a company that hosted scores of domains whose names suggest they are connected to child pornography.

While Mother Jones did not visit the domains because of strict laws related to viewing child sex abuse material, internet registration and hosting data suggest at a minimum that Watkins profited from domains with names explicitly related to pedophilia—the very thing that QAnon followers say that they’re motivated to end. The domains’ names include terms such as “preteen,” “schoolgirl,” and “child” alongside graphic terms for genitalia and words like “rape” and “love.” It’s unclear what, if anything, is currently being served at the domains. However, an analysis of metadata collected years ago from one by shows dozens of filenames and links containing highly suggestive terms, including “xxxpreteen,” “children,” and sexual references to girls aged 12 to 15.

Some of the domains date back to the late 1990s and may no longer be active, while others currently resolve to IP addresses controlled by Watkins’ company, N.T. Technology, according to records compiled by Farsight Security, a cybersecurity company that archives historical routing data detailing relationships among domain names, IP addresses, name servers, and other digital assets.

Watkins, who some experts believe has an active role in maintaining the QAnon account on 8kun, dismissed Mother Jones’ questions about the domains as “an attempt to smear [his] name and print something awful,” offering varying explanations why they were on N.T. Technology’s servers. “We’re not child pornographers, and we don’t host child pornography, and we don’t condone that,” he insisted.

A group of anti-Q researchers that includes Aubrey Cottle, a founder of the online collective Anonymous, brought Watkins’ connection to the domains to Mother Jones’ attention. Another researcher, who asked not to be named to avoid harassment from Watkins supporters, reviewed the historical domain and routing information at Mother Jones’ request and agreed the records showed that N.T. Technology “hosted many domains with CP [child pornography] themed names over an extended period of time.”

Using a combination of open-source and commercially available data, the researcher confirmed that the domains pointed to IP addresses registered to N.T. Technology, and that the IP addresses were routed to the company’s network while the explicit domains were active.

One domain created in 1998 and hosted by N.T. Technology, which bills itself as “a powerhouse in the internet world, [s]upporting some of the largest sites on Earth,” lists Watkins as its administrator and names a separate holding company he owns, Is It Wet Yet Inc., as the administration organization. According to historical domain and web archive records, the domain has, over the years, been associated with dozens of subdomains—more specific and focused offshoots of the main domain—whose names combine terms like “preteen,” “kidnap,” and “rape.” They include a comprehensive system of subdomains referencing age ranges as young as 10. When asked about the specific domain, Watkins said “I have really no idea about” it.

Using a combination of open-source and commercially available data, the researcher confirmed that the domains pointed to IP addresses registered to N.T. Technology, and that the IP addresses were routed to the company’s network while the explicit domains were active.

One domain created in 1998 and hosted by N.T. Technology, which bills itself as “a powerhouse in the internet world, [s]upporting some of the largest sites on Earth,” lists Watkins as its administrator and names a separate holding company he owns, Is It Wet Yet Inc., as the administration organization. According to historical domain and web archive records, the domain has, over the years, been associated with dozens of subdomains—more specific and focused offshoots of the main domain—whose names combine terms like “preteen,” “kidnap,” and “rape.” They include a comprehensive system of subdomains referencing age ranges as young as 10. When asked about the specific domain, Watkins said “I have really no idea about” it.

Beyond owning the company that hosted them, Watkins said he has no direct link to any of the domains, despite his companies’ email and his name showing up on registrations for several of them. “There’s probably 30 or 40,000 domain names associated with my name. Very few of them I have had anything to do with,” he said. Watkins speculated that he “would have been arrested long ago,” if he were involved in distributing child porn.

When asked about a particular domain in the batch with a name suggesting it hosted child sex abuse material, Watkins claimed he had deleted it “15 to 20 years ago” when it came to his attention. He said the domains with names suggestive of child pornography had no content when hosted by his company, but had been established for domain squatting, a practice where the domains’ owners would profit once they found willing buyers for URLs referencing things like children’s underwear and the sexual abuse of minors. In a subsequent conversation, he suggested the subdomains were created as part of a common turn-of- the-century search engine optimization tactic.

Watkins claimed not to know the domain whose metadata showed it hosting child sex abuse-related filenames and links, and said that if the domain actually hosted such material the domain itself would have been removed. “If there was ever a problem we removed and deleted and reported,” he said. Watkins said that he did not vet clients nor take action to determine whether they used his services to commit illegal acts unless it was brought to his attention: “It’s about the most un-American thing I can imagine, sir. That’s what the Soviets would be doing, or the communist Chinese. And we don’t have Soviets anymore. We defeated them.”

The now 56-year-old Watkins has a long connection to pornography stretching back to a site he founded in the mid 90s as the industry was transitioning online. By 2001, Watkins’s work as a US Army helicopter repairman took him to the Philippines, where he expanded from porn sites into web services, hosting adult sites targeting consumers evading Japanese obscenity laws, according to a 2016 Splinter story. He has said he chose N.T. Technology’s innocuous name to provide cover for credit card charges that might be questioned by his customers’ wives.

The QAnon conspiracy theory began on 4chan, a site Watkins had no role in running, eventually migrating to 8chan in 2017. 8chan was ultimately shut down in August of 2019 when its domain hosting and cybersecurity providers dropped it after several far-right shooters used the site to disseminate their manifestos. Watkins provided Q a place to continue posting by restarting and rebranding the imageboard as 8Kun, vowing to moderate child porn and other illegal content more strictly.

QAnon’s sprawl and constant evolution can make it difficult to follow. It started with a poster on 4chan who claimed to be a member of the federal government with high-level “Q” security clearance. Posts from Q dropped cryptic breadcrumbs that purportedly shed light on a pedophile ring being run by liberal elites. The conspiracy, which holds that Donald Trump is secretly battling this cabal despite opposition from the so-called “deep state,” has found ardent supporters among the president’s base.

Watkins’ precise role in QAnon is murky. At a minimum, he is widely recognized as having played an instrumental part in giving the movement a platform where it could flourish as he has publicly encouraged the conspiracy. When he was subpoenaed to testify before Congress, he wore a “Q” pin. Just weeks ago, he was a featured speaker at a QAnon conference in Phoenix. In addition to running QAnon’s home on 8kun, the fact-checking site reported this month that Watkins appears to be playing a role in facilitating online QAnon community hubs elsewhere.

Brennan, 8chan’s original founder, has suggested Watkins’ involvement goes deeper, positing he took advantage of his power as the owner of 8kun to essentially hijack the account that claims to be Q. Other researchers and journalists have raised the possibility that Watkins has some involvement or knowledge of who runs the account. Watkins has denied that claim, or having acted as Q.

Even if he has no direct relationship to the QAnon account, as an active supporter of Q and the movement’s host, Watkins is an inextricable sustainer of a conspiracy that has falsely branded political opponents and innocent bystanders as pedophiles—despite his own apparent role in profiting from words that appeal to the real thing.
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Ungelesen 20.11.20, 13:40   #38
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Coronaleugner, Impfgegner, man kann sie nicht immer sauber voneinander trennen. Jetzt warnt das BKA.

Die Debatte ist hochemotional, es hatte ja bereits Anschläge in Berlin gegeben. Das BKA wird jetzt deutlicher.

Das Bundeskriminalamt (BKA) warnt vor einer möglichen Gefährdung für die deutsche Pharma-Branche. Das ergibt sich aus einem internen Lagebild, das von alarmierenden Szenarien ausgeht: Aufgrund der „hohen Dynamik und Emotionalität, die dem Themenkomplex Corona innewohnt“ müsse von einer „abstrakten Gefährdung“ für Impfstoffhersteller, aber auch für Impfzentren sowie die Transport- und Lagerstätten ausgegangen werden

Bei „Protesten von Impfgegnern, Corona-Skeptikern und Verschwörungstheoretikern“ an solchen Orten seien Sachbeschädigungen „wahrscheinlich“ und sogar „physische Übergriffe“ möglich.

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Verfassungsschutz analysiert ebenfalls

Passend dazu: die Corona-Proteste sind ins Blickfeld des Verfassungsschutzes gerückt. Ein Sonderlagebild beschreibt zwar eine heterogene Mischung aus Reichsbürgern, anderen Extremisten und nicht-extremistischen Prosterierern.

Auffällig sei allerdings, dass es bei den Veranstaltungen inzwischen regelmäßig zu einer „Vermischung nichtextremistischer und extremistischer Akteure“ komme. Bei vielen Demonstranten finde keine inhaltliche oder räumliche Abgrenzung zu Rechtsextremisten oder „Reichsbürgern“ mehr statt. Extremistische Aussagen oder Teilnehmer würden entweder „verleugnet oder als unproblematisch“ bewertet. Ein Phänomen, das auch von Vertretern der Polizei immer wieder beschrieben wird. Gewaltbereite Hooligans und Neonazis würden teilweise Seite an Seite mit bürgerlichen Aktivisten marschieren, die immer öfter auch Kinder mit zu den Demonstrationen bringen.

In den rechtsextremistischen und verschwörungsmythologischen Szenen gebe es zahlreiche verbindende Elemente, die bei den Demonstrationen gegen staatliche Maßnahmen zur Eindämmung des Corona-Virus nun verstärkt zum Tragen kämen – etwa die „Elitenfeindlichkeit“, der ausgeprägte Antisemitismus, der Glaube an eine „Neue Weltordnung“, die Legende vom „Großen Austausch“ der Bevölkerung oder von „Zwangsimpfungen“.

Hinzu kämen inzwischen neue Phänomene, wie etwa die „QAnon“-Bewegung.

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Darüber hinaus warnt das BfV vor einer neuen Form des Extremismus durch die rasante Vermischung unterschiedlicher Ideologien und Weltansichten. Man müsse analysieren, ob bereits eine neue Extremismusform entstanden sei, die im Internet und über das Internet agiert.
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Ungelesen 30.11.20, 21:18   #41
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Wodarg kann nicht einmal einen Psychiater von einem Postboten unterscheiden und masst sich trotzdem an etwas über Covid-19 zu wissen

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Neue Shows fyi

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Standard Why 8kun’s former admin is at war with right-wing star Dan Bongino

It turned out that the site wasn’t hacked, but it did have a huge tranche of user data leak from the vendor responsible for its email newsletter list, thanks to hacker and Anonymous co-founder Aubrey Cottle. Believing the site was running a data-gathering operation and not making enough effort to keep that data secure, Cottle grabbed the massive tranche of data from the vendor’s cloud servers, which had been incorrectly configured to make the data public. Parler fired the vendor and reiterated that it hadn’t been hacked, but the damage was done.
“Parler has repeatedly shown themselves to be unreliable in security-related statements after the discovery by myself a few weeks ago that verified influencer accounts can change usernames at will has not been resolved or addressed in any meaningful manner,” Cottle said. “I had in essence invalidated every existing verified user and a properly implemented solution would have required the re-verification of all existing accounts.”
As for why Cottle went to all the trouble to expose Parler, a site that’s still struggling to get out of Twitter’s shadow, he appeared to have multiple reasons. When asked by Daily Dot if his goal was to bring down Parler, to embarrass Ron Watkins and Dan Bongino, or simply to get people to not share sensitive information with dodgy social media sites, he replied simply “all of the above, really.”

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Dr. med. Weikl ist bekannt in Coronakreisen. Er wird gern empfohlen, schließlich ist er zusammen mit Professor Bhakdi und Professor Homburg im Vorstand des Vereins MWGFD e.V., „Mediziner und Wissenschaftler für Gesundheit, Freiheit und Demokratie e.V.“. Gemäß der Vereinswebsite ist er stellvertretender Vorsitzender, also Stellvertreter von Bhakdi. Der Verein hat auch seinen Sitz in der Wittgasse in Passau, in der Praxis von Weikl.

Damit sitzt er ja an der Quelle:

Bhakdi hat gerade gestern den Satirepreis „Das Goldene Brett vorm Kopf“ erhalten; Homburg ist bekannt für seine Entstellung von Kurven und Diagrammen – dem homburgen – und seiner fehlerhaften Rechenwege, was mittlerweile „einen Homburg rechnen“ genannt wird.

1000 Atteste – das ist ne Nummer. Üblicherweise sind diese Atteste keine Kassenleistung, privat berechnen die Ärzte gern 50 Euro oder mehr …
To be continued...

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Zur Erinnerung: Füllmich arbeitet gerne mit Tricks. So sammelt er gerade Mitkläger für seine Sammelklage gegen die PCR-Tests in USA, von der er weiß, dass sie nicht viel Erfolg haben wird, und verlangt vorab von jedem 800 Euro – ohne Rückzahlung, ohne Garantie. Wer so dubios agiert, der lässt auch eine Klage auf einem dubiosen Wege verteilen. Schließlich wäre das Publicity…
Wie geil ist das denn... die eierlegende Wollmilchsau!
Der Klügere gibt nach... deshalb regieren die Dummen die Welt
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Ungelesen 19.12.20, 16:46   #47
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Wie geil ist das denn...
Wenn ich kein Gewissen und keine Zukunftsaspirationen hätte, wär ich schon längst ein reicher Mann. Schwurbler, wie so viele andere Gläubige, sind so einfache Beute.
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Standard #Querdenken: Ballweg macht Pause – erstmal keine Großdemos mehr

In einer Videobotschaft kündigte Ballweg an, in diesem Winter keine großen „Querdenken“-Demonstrationen anzumelden. Auch die angekündigte Demo in Berlin zum Jahreswechsel solle ausfallen.

Er bat in einer am Heiligabend im Netz veröffentlichten Video-Botschaft (s.u.) darum, „das Verbot der Demonstrationen in Berlin zu akzeptieren und am 30.12., am 31.12. und am 1.1. nicht nach Berlin zu fahren“.

Querdenken wolle Kraft für das Frühjahr tanken.

Querdenken-711 und ich werden den Winter nutzen, um auszuruhen, Kräfte zu sammeln, die Vernetzung voranzutreiben und die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit zu verbessern.

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Während er dann jetzt also Pause macht, sollen sich andere kümmern.

Zugleich rufe ich dazu auf, dass sich eine Organisation findet, die eine Großdemonstration in naher Zukunft anmeldet, um eine Bilanz der „Krisenpolitik“ der Bundesregierung und der Landesregierungen zu ziehen und Menschen auf der Straße wieder zusammenzubringen. Das Bewusstsein Viele zu sein und in der Kritik an falschen Maßnahmen vereint zu sein, gibt uns auch weiterhin Kraft und Mut.

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Gerade neulich erst wurde bekannt, dass das Land Berlin die Demo am 30.12. auch verboten hatte. Außerdem wurde Negative Feststellungsklage gegen Ballweg eingereicht.

Außerdem beobachtet mindestens der Verfassungschutz in BW die Bewegung Querdenken 711.

Wenn Ihr Euch das Video antun wollt, bitte sehr:

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Standard Zeugenvernehmungen zu #BodoSchiffmann in Berlin beginnen

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Standard „wohlbehalten, lebendig, heil; Gesundheit - rege, rüstig, geschwind

Der Ausdruck „Gesundheit“ ist die Lobby der Ärzte als verlängerter Arm der Pharmazie.
Vom Gehörtem: Gesundheit ist die Lobby der Ärzte als Daseinsberechtigung.
Vergleiche Friedrich Nietzsche: Gesundheit ist dasjenige Maß an Krankheit, das es mir noch erlaubt, meinen wesentlichen Beschäftigungen nachzugehen.
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Standard Polizei Mittelfranken verkackt bei Demo in Nürnberg

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Ungelesen 24.01.21, 23:14   #52
Uwe Farz
working behind bars
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Merksatz für Euch: wenn Euch das rechte Magazin Compact lobt, habt Ihr nichts richtig gemacht.
Elsässers Hetzblatt feiert gerade eine Corona Leugner Veranstaltung mit 1000 Teilnehmern in Erfurt.
Polizei - Quo Vadis?
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Es war von Anfang an eine Querfront.
1. Die Verschwörungsideolog:innen von Querdenken haben keine valide Kritik an Corona-Maßnahmen. Sie versuchen es nicht einmal. Sie hängen Verschwörungsideologien an, die ihre Bedürfnisse befriedigen. Es geht nicht um Diskurs, es geht um eine Gelegenheit für reaktionäre Politik.

2. Die bei Querdenken vertretenen Verschwörungsideologien sind antisemitisch und sie leben in rechten Netzwerken und Querfronten. Diese Bewegung wurde zu keinem Zeitpunkt von Rechts*******n unterwandert. Es war von Tag eins eine rechte Querfrontbewegung als Teil rechter Kanäle. Dass Ballweg Reichsbürgermüll verbreitet, ist Ausdruck seiner Ideologie. Wenn er sich jetzt mit hanebüchenen Lügengeschichten von Reichsflaggen distanziert, dann macht er nichts, als sich strategisch von einem bürgerlichen Tabu zu distanzieren. Seine Ideologie stört das nicht.

3. Menschen, die mit Rechten wie Ballweg, Nehrling, Jebsen, Hildmann und Co. auf die Straße gehen, tragen Verantwortung dafür. Hört auf, das deutsche Märchen von den verführten Massen mit ihren Sorgen und Ängsten in der 2020er-Edition neu aufzulegen. Es war immer falsch.

4. Impfgegner:innen, Esoteriker:innen und Hippies scheinen für einige bürgerliche Journalist:innen ideologisch weit weg von diesen Rechten mit ihren Reichsflaggen. Sie sind es nicht. Sie bauen ihre Lebensrealitäten aus gefährlichen, phantasierten Bauchwahrheiten.

Ihre Weltbilder sind nicht einfach nur anschlussfähig für rechte Ideologie. Sie sind die Keime aus denen sie wachsen kann. Weltbilder, die keine Evidenz brauchen, die sich gegen sachliche Überprüfung immunisieren und jeden noch so komplexen Gegenstand in einfache Form bringen.

Feinde von Wissenschaft und Aufklärung jeglicher Art finden auf den Abfallversammlungen moderner Querfronten zusammen. Wer es bis dorthin schafft und dort bleibt, will das und hält es überzeugt für richtig.

Das ist alles nicht sonderlich neu. Die Mahnwachen 2014, ihre Protagonist:innen und ihre Anhänger:innen haben sehr ähnlich agiert und zeigen ideologisch breite Überschneidungen.

5. Es ist hochgradig gefährlich, solchen Bewegungen so etwas wie "Kritik" zuzuschreiben. Diese Zuschreibung wertet sie auf. Sie ist ein analytischer und ein strategischer Fehler. Egal, ob es "Corona-" oder "Asylkritiker" sein wollen. Sie sind es nicht.
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Ungelesen 28.01.21, 14:08   #55
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Standard Reddit’s Anarchic Investors to Hedge Funds: ‘I Hope They Suffer’

We’re now three trading days into some frothy drama between Reddit and Wall Street over the rocketing price of GameStop stocks. Largely believed to be the result of the subreddit WallStreetBets, pseudonymous Redditors are claiming absolutely bonkers returns on their Robinhood accounts from a company that has been in considerable financial decline for the better part of a decade.

In one corner of this bizarre prizefight: hedge funds, which are hemorrhaging money after (unsuccessfully) shorting GameStop. In the other: r/WallStreetBets, a subreddit with 2.4 million members, many of whom have been buying up stock options in the company, resulting in a rise from $17 per share to the current price of $230 (and climbing).

For a sense of why a group of people might seemingly throw away real money on GameStop—an early 2000s stripmall merchant of ancient gaming memorabilia, such as discs, which has posted consistent, overwhelming losses and has essentially been supplanted by digital game sales—WallStreetBets’s bio reads: “Like 4chan found a Bloomberg Terminal.” A WallStreetBets moderator has called it a “meme stock that really blew up.” (Meme stocks are often indicated on WallStreetBets with rocket emojis, essentially an investment signal.)

While Redditors have claimed to make tremendous profits off what is essentially an artificial inflation of stock demand, Melvin Capital, a major loser in the GameStop debacle, was just promised a $2.75 billion cash injection from two other hedge funds. In emails to Gizmodo, the SEC and Melvin Capital declined to comment.

It is unclear whether the move was intended as a collective siege against the establishment, but subreddit members seem pretty pleased about the current outcome. It’s also stirred up a long-simmering conflict between WSB and CNBC, which some members perceive voice of the establishment. In their estimation, CNBC seems to be guilty not for any one specific offense, but for featuring a rotating cast of billionaire venture capitalists, and CEOs who, they generally believe, use their celebrity to personally sway the market, while occasionally writing off WSB as “psychopaths.”

In an open letter on r/WallStreetBets, user RADIO02118 fired back a screed against both perceived enemies, in rather colorful terms:

These funds can manipulate the market via your network [CNBC] and if they screw up big because they don’t even know the basics of portfolio risk 101 and using position sizing, they just get a bailout from their billionaire friends at Citadel [...] We don’t have billionaires to bail us out when we mess up our portfolio risk and a position goes against us. We can’t go on TV and make attempts to manipulate millions to take our side of the trade. If we mess up as bad as they did, we’re wiped out, have to start from scratch and are back to giving handjobs behind the dumpster at Wendy’s.

Seriously. Motherfuck these people. I sincerely hope they suffer.
We want to see the loss porn.

WallStreetBets has been happily sharing gain porn. Though impossible to verify, one user posted a screenshot showing a nearly $500,000 gain in a single day.

If truly the handiwork of WallStreetBets, it represents a large, collective leap of faith. Rather than simply buying stocks at face value, GameStop traders have reportedly been dealing in a vast number of options contracts, a deal to hold the right to buy and/or sell a bundle of stock for a low premium. This can be transacted through Robinhood, but the actual stock owner is typically a large financial firm. There’s a much higher potential gain, but it also means traders can end up several hundred dollars in the hole with zero stock to show for it if the price does down.

Here’s a rough, very imperfect analogy of how options work: a grocery store (a large financial firm) is selling apples (100 shares of stock) for a dollar. If you expect the price of an apple to rise, you can pay the store a nickel in exchange for the promise that you can still buy the apple for a dollar on Friday. In the meantime, you can sell the contract to someone else. If you hold the contract until the end of the trading day on Friday, and the price of the apple is $1.50, you can buy the apple for the dollar or sell it back to someone else or to the grocery store for a little less, maybe $1.40. Then again, if the price of apples drops to 90 cents on Friday, you’re probably best off not overpaying, and the grocery store pockets your nickel.

It’s obviously a lot more abstracted from reality than that, and these numbers are not at realistically proportional to actual contracts. But the gist is that, as a result of this sudden run on apple derivatives, the store is incentivized to buy more apples to offset its costs in case the price of apples go up and more people want the contracts. In other words, buying up a lot of contracts has forced institutions to buy up more stock, which has further driven up the price of GameStop.

This isn’t the first time WallStreetBets has been linked to incredible pandemic jumps—for instance, last year, when Hertz filed for bankruptcy and Robinhood traders bought up the zombie stock en masse, likely helping to drive a 500% increase before Hertz was delisted from the New York Stock Exchange.

Though some investors have hedged their bets over the past few months on the genuine belief GameStop will pivot to a lucrative online enterprise—and e-commerce sales have multiplied during the pandemic—others have pointed out that the current stock price is a bit high. Investor Andrew Left, who warns about scammy companies and dangerous investments, predicted that the GameStop bubble would soon burst. Left then tweeted that he would cease all commentary on GameStop following an attack by an angry mob that allegedly tried to hack his Twitter account.

WallStreetBets is also believed to be behind a surge in Blackberry, which is currently up 38% since last week. Gizmodo has reached out to the moderators of WallStreetBets and will update the post if we hear back.

Whitney Kimball
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Standard sraeli Jewish Antifa hacks KKK website, doxxes members

A website belonging to the Patriotic Brigade Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, an organization affiliated with the white supremacist Ku Klux Klan (KKK), was hacked by an anti-fascist Israeli organization, exposing pictures, names and personal information of many of the organizations members.

While the website originally consisted of white supremacist imagery as well as a link to join them, the hack completely altered the entirety of the webpage.

In an exclusive statement to The Jerusalem Post, the hackers identified themselves as an anti-fascist collective by the name Hayalim Almonim - Hebrew for Anonymous Soldiers.

“Our objective is to strike terror into the hearts of the enemies of humanity,” they told the Post.

“Neo-Nazi and other white supremacist groups believe that Jews have an all-seeing eye. Our desire is to make their fantasies a reality, and exploit their conspiracy theories as a form of psychological warfare. We want them to know, wherever they are in the world that will find them and expose them. We will destroy their lives. And we will bathe in their tears, and mock at the gnashing of their teeth. There is nowhere that is beyond our reach.”

Following the initial hack, the phrase "SHABBAT SHALOM! GOODNIGHT WHITE PRIDE " was shown on full display on the top of the website, alongside other phrases such as "JEWISH SOLIDARITY WITH ALL OPPRESSED PEOPLES," "NEVER AGAIN" and the Hebrew phrase "Od Avinu Chai!!! Am Yisraeil Chai!!!"

The hack also revealed the supposed leader of the Patriotic Brigade, a Texas resident named Kevin James Smith. This included Smith's face, address, phone number, date of birth, both email addresses, proof he paid to operate the website and a link to his page on the Texas Public Sex Offender Registry, where he is registered for having raped a 14-year-old girl.

The organization will also be giving updates of their activities via the Twitter account @justice_jew, which told the Post it was acting as an “information relay” for Hayalim Almonim to draw attention to their activities and find operatives on location.

Further updates will also be given on their website,
Much of their activities are focused on the State of Texas, which the organization believes is where a majority of dangerous white supremacist organizations are based.

This includes the Patriotic Brigade, which was recognized as a KKK cell by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

But while they may have been one of the fastest growing cells, they are far from the most dangerous. During their investigation, the Hayalim Almonim uncovered the Church of the Ku Klux Klan, a cell with chapters in 25 different states across the US, whose website - currently unhacked at the time of writing - can be seen at [ Link nur für registrierte Mitglieder sichtbar. Bitte einloggen oder neu registrieren ].

According to the organization, the group is led by George Bois Stout, an arms dealer in De Kalb, Texas who has organized white supremacist events from his city all the way to Indiana.

Stout is known as TexasKKK on the infamous white supremacist website Stormfront, and has reportedly been active in promoting white supremacy for three decades.

Hayalim Almonim told the Post they fear Stout could be using his gun retailer as a front to arm white supremacists.

In addition, Stout also runs the white supremacist network Aryanfront, based on, which seeks to raise money for white supremacist projects.

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Standard Atrocities in India

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Standard Myanmar's military

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Standard #OpMyanmar

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Jeder kann sich beteiligen und die Unternehmen fragen ob sie
die Militärdiktatur in Myanmar unterstützen wollen, die jetzt sogar mit Scharfschützen auf friedliche Demonstranten schiessen lässt.

Kirin hat bereits bekannt gegeben nun keine Geschäfte mehr mit dem Militär
machen zu wollen.

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Standard Sakura Samurai 桜の侍

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Standard Justice For Myanmar

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erinnert stark an die "Grünen" im Anfang, diese Partei....
Anonymous sind jetzt erstmal an anderen Sachen dran,dachte ich.
Gates,Schwab, Soros und deren Jüngern in der deutschen Politik, oder?
danke für die Info`s von Anonymous in der Zeit jetzt
Oder bin ich da falsch informiert ?
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