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Ungelesen 26.12.23, 17:14   #1
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TwistGirl17 gewöhnt sich langsam dran | 22 Respekt Punkte

Marillion - Care

Die Band "Marillion" (vll. einigen noch ein Begriff durch den Hit "Kayleigh") hat Anfang 2023 ein vielbeachtetes Album (unter den Top 10 der Albumcharts) veröffentlicht mit dem Namen "An Hour Before It's Dark"

Das letzte Lied auf dem Album widmet sich den Ärzten und Pflegekräften zu Coronazeiten an einem persönlichen Beispiel des Sängers Steve Hogarth und ist schon sehr bewegend (Da die Texte für Nichtmuttersprachler nicht einfach zu verstehen sind, kann ich durch die Mitgliedschaft im Fanclub auf Wunsch auch gerne eine authorisierte Übersetzung ins Deutsche nachliefern:

They give me maintenance drugs
Said I’ll be okay
So I’m taking my time
Living from day to day
You gotta live

No one knows how much time they’ve got left
N’est-ce pas?

An hour before it’s dark

They give me maintenance drugs
Said I’ll be okay
They test me once a year

You have to care

No one knows how much time
No one knows
They said I’ll be okay

An hour before it’s dark
They said I’ll be okay

An domhan
Whether you like it or not
When it’s gone, it’s gonna take you with it
This one
It’s gonna take you with it

An hour before it’s dark

These are the days that will flash before our eyes at the end
These are the moments burned into the sacred places of our hearts
Thank you for making me truly, truly alive
In a life where luxury was sometimes, to survive
Under the weight of lost love, disillusionment and shame
You came warm, and loved me like a tropical storm
Spiralled me up into the air

These are the days that will flash before our eyes at the end
Yours are the words that will whisper in my body as it fades
Yours is the laughter burned into my days
Locked away in every cell
I came, I saw, I fell,
And I changed
Found freedom in a diamond I won’t trade
Not even for heaven

And as I unpeeled you, you realised
You loved me enough to leave me forever

The angels in this world are not on the walls of churches
The heroes in this world are not in the hall of fame
The angels in this world are not in the walls of churches

I saw a man paint a woman on the wall
Mask on her face, screen over her eyes
Hospital clothing, worried and exhausted
A thing of beauty, a thing of care
Pure class right there, right there
The angels in this world are not in the walls of churches

The angels in this world are not in the walls of churches
The angels in this world are not rendered in bronze or stone
The heroes in this world, working while we’re all sleeping
She wrapped her arms around me
He wrapped his arms around me

An angel here on earth came down here
To carry me home

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