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Neuseeland und das Virus Team Kiwi gegen Corona





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Ungelesen 29.05.20, 13:59   #1
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Standard Neuseeland und das Virus Team Kiwi gegen Corona

Erstmal vorweg setze ich einen Artikel aus der Tagesschau vom 17. Mai:


Neuseeland und das Virus Team Kiwi gegen Corona

Stand: 17.05.2020 11:09 Uhr

Nach sieben Wochen Lockdown kehrt Neuseeland zur Normalität zurück. Das Coronavirus gilt als besiegt. Regierungschefin Ardern ist beliebt wie nie zuvor. Ihre Strategie: Teamgeist und Transparenz.

Von Holger Senzel, ARD-Studio Singapur

Mit einem Bungee-Sprung begrüßt der Bürgermeister von Queenstown die Lockerungen der Corona-Maßnahmen. Mit Applaus wird die erste Kundin in einem Café willkommen geheißen. An der Westküste erobern sich Surfer die Wellen zurück: Die Neuseeländer feiern das Leben, nachdem Premierministerin Jacinda Ardern Phase zwei im Kampf gegen Corona eröffnet hat.

Die Wirtschaft wird wieder hochgefahren, die Geschäfte öffnen wieder, die Menschen dürfen nach draußen, nach einer der strengsten Ausgangssperren der Welt. Sieben Wochen haben die Neuseeländer zu Hause verbringen müssen.


Neuseeland öffnet Ausgangssperren nach hartem Lockdown
Weltspiegel, 17.05.2020, Sandra Ratzow, ARD Singapur

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Dann erklärte die Regierungschefin das Virus für besiegt: "Wir Kiwis waren stark und entschlossen. Wir wussten, dass wir diesen Krieg am Ende nur gewinnen können, wenn wir gemeinsam handeln. Deshalb haben wir ein Team gebildet und als Mannschaft haben wir eine Mauer gebaut, um einander zu schützen."

Bevölkerung unterstützt strengen Lockdown

Bereits Mitte März - da waren in dem Fünf-Millionen-Inselstaat gerade mal sechs Covid-19-Fälle bestätigt - verkündete die sozialdemokratische Politikerin strenge Quarantäne-Regeln. Wenige Tage später bereitete sie ihr Land bereits auf den Lockdown vor.

Sieben Wochen lang haben die Neuseeländer ihre Normalität geopfert, um Alte und Kranke zu schützen. Doch anders als etwa in Deutschland - wo die Einschränkungen niemals auch nur annähernd so radikal waren wie in Neuseeland - gibt es kaum Kritik in der Bevölkerung.

"Ich denke, es war das Einzige, das wir tun konnten", sagt Surfer Alan Miller. "Wir Neuseeländer können uns jetzt sicher fühlen und nun um so schneller zum normalen Leben zurückkehren." Und seine Freundin Bridget Wallis ergänzt: "Ich unterstütze die Regierung. Ich denke, sie haben einen fantastischen Job gemacht. Ich fühle mich wirklich sicher."


Grund zur Freude: Kinder in Wellington auf einem Spielplatz.
Ardern erntet Lob für Transparenz

Ardern, deren politische Zukunft unlängst noch mehr als ungewiss war, ist bei den Neuseeländern beliebter denn je. Was womöglich auch an der Transparenz lag, mit der sie die Fakten während der Ausgangssperre Tag für Tag in Pressekonferenzen kommunizierte.

1498 Covid-19-Erkrankungen, 21 Tote - das ist die bisherige Bilanz. Lediglich eine einzige Neuinfektion wurde seit Mittwoch registriert. Gesundheitsdirekor Ashley Bloomfield sieht Neuseeland für die Zukunft gut gerüstet: "Wir werden jeden neuen Fall schnell ermitteln, die Kontakte nachverfolgen, die Leute isolieren. Wir haben dafür die Testkapazitäten und auch die Technologie, um die Kontakte aufzuspüren."

Schwerste Rezession seit Jahrzehnten

Der Lockdown hat allerdings auch Handel und Tourismus - die wichtigsten Säulen der neuseeländischen Wirtschaft - auf null abgebremst, das Land erlebt die schwerste Rezession seit Jahrzehnten. "Ich habe nie behauptet, dass die Zukunft ein Zuckerschlecken ist", erklärt Ardern, aber so wie wir gemeinsam das Virus bekämpft haben, können wir uns jetzt auch zusammenschließen, um unsere Wirtschaft wieder aufzubauen."

"Nie die Teamkameraden aus dem Auge verlieren", riet die Premierministerin: "Genießt es wieder draußen zu sein, zusammen zu sein. Wahrt Distanz. Und seid freundlich."
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Heute schreibt Stuff in Neuseeland:

Coronavirus: How New Zealand can be the first in the world to put an end to Covid-19

Felippe Rodrigues18:35, May 29 2020


Covid-19: Number of people allowed at social gatherings to increase to 100 today, but other restrictions to gatherings still apply as NZ remains in Alert Level 2.

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New Zealand is on the brink of becoming the first country in the world significantly affected by Covid-19 to eliminate all active cases.

Active cases dropped quickly to just one over the last week. Over the same period, no new cases were confirmed by the Government.

Since Wednesday May 27, the number of active infections fell from 21 to just 1. Of those, 19 people have fully recovered, while one, [ Link nur für registrierte Mitglieder sichtbar. Bitte einloggen oder neu registrieren ].

The country’s sole active case is in the Auckland DHB region, where the last notifications of infection happened in the first week of May. There were two positive tests on May 1 and a probable case five days later in the region.

This week’s rapid decline in active cases vaulted New Zealand ahead of Iceland in the race to 0. And New Zealand may have the better chance of making it to zero since the Nordic nation reported a new case on Thursday.

As of May 29, Iceland has only 3 active cases according to data collated by Johns Hopkins University.

New Zealand and Iceland are among the 113 countries to have reported a total of at least 700 Covid-19 cases and reached a 7-day average of at least 30 new cases per day.

Behind them in that group are Hong Kong (27 active cases), Andorra (31) and Thailand (62). Slovenia is reporting 9 active cases but this is on the back of a one-day drop of some 1000 active cases, believed to be the result of a reporting issue.

Both New Zealand and Iceland have benefited from geographical isolation. However, they have taken different paths to eliminating Covid-19.


Iceland, vying with New Zealand to reach zero active Covid-19 cases first, plans to reopen to tourists in June.
Iceland invested in massive testing but took a more relaxed approach to social isolation and movement restrictions. Kiwis, on the other hand, went through a strict mandatory quarantine that effectively closed down the economy for a month.

The divergent approaches were quantified by [ Link nur für registrierte Mitglieder sichtbar. Bitte einloggen oder neu registrieren ]. On a 0 to 100 scale, New Zealand scored a whopping 96.3 at the peak of its lockdown. It was the only nation among World Bank's high-income economies to go above the threshold of 90. Since the easing of restrictions, New Zealand’s stringency index fell to just 36.1.

Iceland, where cafés and restaurants stayed open throughout the epidemic, has maintained a 53.7 stringency score since mid-March.

Albeit an important milestone, reaching 0 active cases does not mean a country has eradicated the disease. [ Link nur für registrierte Mitglieder sichtbar. Bitte einloggen oder neu registrieren ] suggests eradication may be possible in New Zealand with 95 per cent certainty around the third week of June.

It is also widely accepted there could be undetected, asymptomatic cases still circulating within New Zealand, highlighting the [ Link nur für registrierte Mitglieder sichtbar. Bitte einloggen oder neu registrieren ] in the next phase of the fight against the coronavirus. On this measure, New Zealand has performed relatively well too. On Thursday, 4162 tests were conducted. On a measure of tests per 1000 people, [ Link nur für registrierte Mitglieder sichtbar. Bitte einloggen oder neu registrieren ].

The Ministry of Health classifies people who have recovered from Covid-19 as having "had the virus, are at least 10 days since onset and have not exhibited symptoms for 48 hours".

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Noch gilt Alert-Level Stufe 2 (max war Stufe 4).
Der Artikel zeigt das die strikten Massnahmen und wenn wirklich sehr streng eingehalten sogar (hoffentlich) zum kompletten Besiegen der Infektion führen kann.

Ich bin gespannt was Neuseeland bald wegen der Grenzen macht. Die Insellage ist natürlich ein geografischer Vorteil das Virus zu besiegen. Aber es wäre wirklich eine klasse Sache für das kleine Land.
"Mitleid und Erbarmen hielten Bilbos Hand zurück. Viele, die leben, verdienen den Tod und manche, die sterben, verdienen das Leben. Kannst du es ihnen geben, Frodo? Dann sei nicht so rasch mit einem Todesurteil bei der Hand. Selbst die ganz Weisen erkennen nicht alle Absichten. Mein Herz sagt mir, dass Gollum noch eine Rolle zu spielen hat, zum Guten oder zum Bösen, ehe das Ende kommt." (Gandalf zu Frodo)

Geändert von Wornat1959 (29.05.20 um 14:05 Uhr)
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Coronavirus: Jacinda Ardern announces level 1 move

Thomas Coughlan - 19:32, Jun 08 2020

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced New Zealand will move to level 1 at 11:59pm on Monday June 8, 2020.
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New Zealand will move to coronavirus Alert Level 1 from midnight Monday.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced the decision Monday afternoon, telling the country that after 75 days of New Zealand being in a Covid-19 alert, the country was ready to move to the most relaxed alert level.

"Today we are ready," she said.

Ardern described level 1 as being "where life feels as normal as it can in the time of a global pandemic".

This will mean life returning to something approximating a pre-coronavirus normal. [ Link nur für registrierte Mitglieder sichtbar. Bitte einloggen oder neu registrieren ], although [ Link nur für registrierte Mitglieder sichtbar. Bitte einloggen oder neu registrieren ], as would [ Link nur für registrierte Mitglieder sichtbar. Bitte einloggen oder neu registrieren ]

Ardern said that while the threat of Covid-19 remained in the world, New Zealand had to stay vigilant to ensure we did not move back up the alert scale.

"With over 100,000 new cases being reported each day the challenge of COVID remains around the globe and so it remains here," Ardern said.

She said the Government would continue to work with businesses to improve the QR codes that help people keep a digital diary of their movements.

Ardern said the Government had also been working with the events sector on a voluntary code that would help capture a record of people's details when they go to large events. Large events have in the past led to the formation of large Covid-19 clusters.

"The reason for that is simple: If we get one or two cases in the future, which will remain possible for some time to come due to the global situation and nature of the virus, we need to shut down those cases fast," Ardern said.

"The last thing we want is to move back up the alert system again," she said.

These are some of the 'golden rules' of life at alert level 1.
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National party leader Todd Muller, speaking in Auckland after the announcement, said he was "delighted" by the alert level 1 move.

"It's a fantastic day for New Zealand, it's a testament to all our collective efforts over the last many weeks, and I'm sure that New Zealanders share my ... that we can now move on to the next phas" he said.

Muller said the Government's own advice showed New Zealand could have moved to alert level 1 sooner, but "today is a day of celebration".

ACT leader David Seymour was quick to welcome the news, but said that the Prime Minister was wrong to claim credit for the "go hard, go early" strategy.

“Jacinda Ardern says her Government acted quickly after our first case of Covid-19, but New Zealand was the 60th country to get a Covid-19 case. We were given advance warning," he said.

“Despite calls from ACT and others in [ Link nur für registrierte Mitglieder sichtbar. Bitte einloggen oder neu registrieren ] and [ Link nur für registrierte Mitglieder sichtbar. Bitte einloggen oder neu registrieren ] to consider closing the border, the Government dithered and then had to implement one of the most severe lockdowns in the world," he said.

“Now the focus must be on rebuilding the economy, restoring confidence of small businesses, and repaying the debt," he said.

[ Link nur für registrierte Mitglieder sichtbar. Bitte einloggen oder neu registrieren ] to move the decision forward to this week, and on Monday it was revealed that [ Link nur für registrierte Mitglieder sichtbar. Bitte einloggen oder neu registrieren ]

Ardern had previously said only the “settings” of Alert level 2 would be reviewed today, with a decision moving levels due to be made before June 22.

But persistently low case numbers as well as political pressure from coalition partner NZ First meant Ardern brought the decision forward.

She said it was the government's "strong desire" to get to level 1 as soon as it was safe and possible.

New National leader Todd Muller called on Ardern to act even earlier, saying last week that there was no need to wait for Cabinet to meet to make a decision on level 1.

“Every day the Government waits to make this shift is another day that businesses sink deeper into debt and the economic crisis in this country worsens.

“The Prime Minister already has the information at her fingertips, there’s no need to wait until Monday for another meeting,” Muller said.

Social distancing is expected be a thing of the past if New Zealand moves to alert level 1.

[ Link nur für registrierte Mitglieder sichtbar. Bitte einloggen oder neu registrieren ] leaked to the National party appeared to show that New Zealand could have moved to level 1 much earlier.

The paper says that a move to Covid-19 alert level 1 was "predicated upon having eliminated chains of transmission and there having been no new cases from community transmission for at least 28 days".

That 28 day period could have already been reached. Ardern on Wednesday said the last case of community transmission was at the beginning of May – more than 28 days ago. But a spokesman for the prime minister now says the paper refers to a different definition for community transmission, meaning there are still several days to go.

The last case of the virus spreading from an unknown source – a previously used definition of community transmission – occurred on April 30, or 33 days ago, according to data published by the Government's Environment Science and Research institute (ESR).

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Wer es auf deutsch will. RND hat vor paar Minuten auch dazu berichtet:
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"Mitleid und Erbarmen hielten Bilbos Hand zurück. Viele, die leben, verdienen den Tod und manche, die sterben, verdienen das Leben. Kannst du es ihnen geben, Frodo? Dann sei nicht so rasch mit einem Todesurteil bei der Hand. Selbst die ganz Weisen erkennen nicht alle Absichten. Mein Herz sagt mir, dass Gollum noch eine Rolle zu spielen hat, zum Guten oder zum Bösen, ehe das Ende kommt." (Gandalf zu Frodo)

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Nochmal Update:

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern recalls dark days during Covid crisis

Benn Bathgate 06:12, Jun 10 2020


Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern reflects on New Zealand's response to the Coronavirus.

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It was a "remarkable" moment at the beginning of the Covid crisis and it happened on an overbridge in Wellington.

"I walk often from Premier House to the Beehive and there's an overbridge over the motorway coming into Wellington. Usually very busy and often congested. We'd announced [level 4 lockdown] and I'm walking over that motorway and it was completely empty, that spoke to how quickly New Zealanders responded to what needed to be done and that was remarkable."

It was an epiphany, of sorts, for Jacinda Ardern. And others would emerge too as she guided the country through the dour weeks of lockdown and into the light of level 1.


Jacinda Ardern said she was aware of individuals battling Covid-19 infection, worrying about one person in particular, admitting that the ability to think of individuals was a privilege.
The prime minister was speaking to Stuff in the boardroom of Trevelyan's Kiwifruit and Avocado Packhouse in Te Puke on Tuesday, the first day of level 1 restrictions.

In a 20-minute interview she spoke candidly about the challenges of leading the country through unprecedented times, how days were critical in combating the virus and how the focus now has to shift to economic revival.

In the space between discourse on the economy and the fallout from the pandemic raging across the world, Ardern's mask slips, but only momentarily.

Her features darken and her voice quavers when she remembers taking phone calls about those whose lives were claimed by the virus.

She didn't know the person's name, only that they had died after contracting Covid-19, and that she "worried about them a lot".


Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern opens up about leading the country through the response to Covid-19.
It was a strange privilege, she admits, being able to think about individual cases in the midst of a global pandemic that forced unprecedented change on New Zealand, but it's one of the things that will stay with her.

"I remember phone calls when people had passed, we had one particular person, I don't even know their name, but I knew the profile. I worried about them a lot, but the fact I could think about individuals, that was a privileged position for us as a country to be in."

Another epiphany, perhaps.

She's upbeat and generally optimistic about how the country has handled the crisis and how it will move forward.

Her visit to the orchard saw a flurry of selfies - at one point a stern looking woman had to tell the staff to "get back to work," and it's contact Ardern said she's missed.

"Politicians are used to being among the people," she said afterwards.

Ardern spoke candidly about how days were critical in combating the virus and how the focus now has to shift to economic revival.

She said that from January 24 this year, when the Ministry of Health first began monitoring for a new virus known as Coronavirus, "it moved very quickly".

"What was clear right from the start was because of the rapid acceleration of transmission that can occur, it can move very, very quickly. Days can make a big difference."

Ardern said that the following weeks and months involved "a continuous flow of decisions in quick succession".

She's clear she had faith in the scientific advice she was receiving, and perhaps more importantly, faith in New Zealanders, especially when she was asking for compliance with the strict level 4 lockdown.

"I never doubted the compliance side of things, in that short space of time, we're looking around the world, and they're having runs on supermarkets, loo paper disappearing around the world, it felt to me we very calmly moved ourselves into a place that was completely unprecedented in our history, and we just did it, that is remarkable," she said.


Selfies appeared to have made a comeback too under level 1, as Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern discovered on a trip to Trevelyan’s Kiwifruit and Avocado Packhouse on Tuesday.
"I absolutely believed our plan was the right one, that was simply based on all the evidence we had."

Ardern admits to some worries, and some "frustrations", such as Health Minister David Clark's lockdown breach.

She's relaxed, however, about the push and pull process that has seen calls for moves to different alert levels sooner, the calls for the Trans-Tasman 'bubble' sooner, and balancing the scientific advice against the political calls.

"All the way through there's been that and it's completely natural," she said.

Ardern's optimism is also evident when the talk shifts to the economic recovery, with the Reserve Bank forecasting a 3.8 per cent GDP reduction under level 1 restrictions, set against a 37 per cent contraction under Level 4.

"Some of the forecasts assumed we won't have domestic travel at Level 2 and we did, and some have already said things are looking more on the optimistic side, some of the figures around freight, electricity use, retail spending do suggest that but it is early days, it's going to be a hard road."

It's a road that has milestones on it too, some, such as hitting zero cases and the drop to level 1, [ Link nur für registrierte Mitglieder sichtbar. Bitte einloggen oder neu registrieren ].

"It was a milestone, it's not over, this pandemic will be with us for years to come, but it is a milestone I marked in a small, private way."

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Also ich hoffe wirklich das sie bis Ende Juni keine Neuinfektionen bekommen. Dann kann man sagen das auch die Inkubationszeit abgelaufen ist. Und das heisst dann wirklich das Virus ist erstmal rausgeworfen. Natürlich muss dann eine Lösung her wie sie mit Reisenden und Thema Tourismus verfahren. Das ist ja ein sehr wichtiger Baustein für ihre Wirtschaft.
"Mitleid und Erbarmen hielten Bilbos Hand zurück. Viele, die leben, verdienen den Tod und manche, die sterben, verdienen das Leben. Kannst du es ihnen geben, Frodo? Dann sei nicht so rasch mit einem Todesurteil bei der Hand. Selbst die ganz Weisen erkennen nicht alle Absichten. Mein Herz sagt mir, dass Gollum noch eine Rolle zu spielen hat, zum Guten oder zum Bösen, ehe das Ende kommt." (Gandalf zu Frodo)
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Dann kann man sagen das auch die Inkubationszeit abgelaufen ist.
Die Inkubationszeit ist schon längst abgelaufen. Die Inkubationszeit ist die Zeit von der Infektion bis zum Auftreten der Symptome.
Can we get along?
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[ Link nur für registrierte Mitglieder sichtbar. Bitte einloggen oder neu registrieren ] suggests eradication may be possible in New Zealand with 95 per cent certainty around the third week of June.
Das ist aus dem ersten Artikel. Und da spielt natürlich auch die Inkubationszeit noch eine Rolle. Je defensiver du sein willst desto länger dauert es. Es könnte noch unerkannte Fälle geben - das Virus kann sich auch übertragen ohne das die Krankheit sich stark bemerkbar macht. Und dann kommt erst bei der wiederholten Übertragung ein erkannter Fall. Das geht alles mehr in eine sehr defensive Denkrichtung. Die 3. Juni Woche soll 95% Sicherheit erreicht sein.
"Mitleid und Erbarmen hielten Bilbos Hand zurück. Viele, die leben, verdienen den Tod und manche, die sterben, verdienen das Leben. Kannst du es ihnen geben, Frodo? Dann sei nicht so rasch mit einem Todesurteil bei der Hand. Selbst die ganz Weisen erkennen nicht alle Absichten. Mein Herz sagt mir, dass Gollum noch eine Rolle zu spielen hat, zum Guten oder zum Bösen, ehe das Ende kommt." (Gandalf zu Frodo)
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